Screening process when scheduling:

In the last 72 hours have you been symptom free to include the below symptoms:

  • Temperature of 100.4 F or greater
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in your chest
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Traveled out of the country (you’ll be asked to not schedule for 2 weeks)
  • Contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient (you’ll be asked to not schedule for 2 weeks)

Do you have the following conditions, considered high risk:

  • Heart or Lung Disease, Diabetic, Immune compromised, over the age of 65, on blood pressure medication, current or prior smoker

**We ask that if you are in the high risk category that you stay home unless you are in urgent need of care or are in severe pain of musculoskeletal origin. We have telemedicine available.

Modified practices based on CDC, OHA, and OSHA guidelines:

  • Hand washing and hand-sanitizing routines between every patient/client and staff.
  • All treatment rooms, instruments used for healthcare related treatment, and fitness equipment are sanitized between every patient/client.
  • Restrooms, common area surfaces, door handles, pens, counters, and shared spaces are regularly disinfected.
  • Disinfectant materials are made available to all patients/clients and use is required, including hand sanitizing wipes and disinfectant spray.
  • One on one patient/client supervision to ensure all equipment is cleaned with disinfectant before and after each use.
  • Required Hand washing/disinfectant upon entry.
  • Clean towels, spray bottles with surface cleaner (70% isopropyl solution, and wipes available for all clients to clean equipment before and after use in gym).
  • Eliminating hard to clean shared items from gym (mats, exercise balls, etc.).
  • No touch payment system. Our staff will not touch your credit card. The machine you touch to pay will be sanitized before/after each use.
  • New plexi-glass installed at our front desk, as a redundancy for the masks, to protect our patients/clients and staff.
  • Decreased caseload volume, there will be breaks inserted between each patient/client to maximize social distancing.
  • Staggered Practitioner start times to maximize social distancing.
  • Use of telemedicine whenever possible and as a mandatory for those in the high risk category.
  • No phone or computer sharing during staff work shift.
  • All patients/clients and staff shall wear masks while in building.
  • Increased building ventilation rate.
  • Discouraging our staff from traveling outside the local community.
  • Break room use modified.

Additional safety measures:

You will be asked to wear a mask before entering our building and to keep it on at all times. 

**If you do not come in with a mask, you will be asked to call and reschedule your appointment.

We will be taking your temperature with a no touch sensor upon arrival for your appointment. If your temperature is 100.4 F or higher, we’ll ask you to monitor for symptoms and reschedule in 2 weeks or after 72 hours of no symptoms.

Our clinic waiting area is closed. Please be on time.

You will be asked to immediately wash your hands upon entering our building and to not touch your face.

The following screening criteria will be in place for any training in our gym:

  • In the last 72 hours have you been symptom free of the following symptoms: 

    • Temperature of 100.4 F or greater, Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Persistent pain or pressure in your chest
    • Flu-like symptoms
    • Traveled out of the country (you’ll be asked to not schedule for 2 weeks)
    • Contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient (you’ll be asked to not schedule for 2 weeks)
    1. Stay home if you are in the high risk category including the following conditions: Heart or Lung Disease, Diabetic, Immune compromised, asthma, over the age of 65, on blood pressure medication, current or prior smoker
    2. There is now a touchless thermometer in our entryway. We ask that you take your temperature before you enter the gym. If your temperature is 100.4 F or greater, we will ask you to re-schedule once you have no fever and have been symptom free for 72 hours.
    3. A mask is required during gym use to include Personal Training, group classes, and Altitude Training. It’s really not that bad and research shows that this is the single most important factor in reducing transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.
    4. Please wash your hands when you arrive and don’t touch your face during your time in our gym. Any surface potentially being touched by multiple people is being cleaned frequently, but we still encourage you to wash your hands before leaving as well.
    5. All equipment will be wiped down with an approved cleaning solution before and after use. This cleaning is done by you in the Altitude Room, and by you or your Trainer for classes and Personal Training.
    6. Social distancing will be followed while in the gym. We are limiting the number of people allowed in the gym. This is done by limiting class size, max occupancy of the Altitude Room, and the number of Personal Training sessions being conducted at any given time.
    7. Equipment in the Altitude Room is spaced out to follow social distancing guidelines.
    8. The equipment and process that makes high altitude (low oxygen) air destroys/removes viruses in a process that involves heating and filtration. There are also several HEPA filters in the Altitude Room that capture particles the size of (and far smaller than) the virus that causes COVID-19.
    9. The Altitude Room has 2 dehumidifiers that create a dryer air which is a less favorable environment for a viable corona virus.
    10. Please sign up for group classes, Personal Training, and Altitude Training ahead of time, space is limited.
    11. There will be no physical cueing from our Coaches during Personal Training or Classes.
    12. Please bring your own water bottle. Drinking directly out of our drinking fountain will not be allowed, however you can use the bottle fill station on the fountain.
    13. As per state mandate, showers are closed, please plan accordingly. We will re-open them just as soon as the state allows.
    14. We have available online exercise programming, virtual classes, and virtual personal training for anyone not wanting to participate with us in person.