Uncanny Transformation

Fit at Fifty Cool, you're here! My name is Chris and I'm here to tell you a little bit about my journey to a healthy lifestyle. Thank you Evolution Healthcare & Fitness for sharing my story and my blog. My road to a healthy lifestyle includes routines, roadblocks, anxieties, wins, and setbacks. It is all [...]

By |2017-08-28T13:59:51-07:00August 28th, 2017|Health & Wellness, Men's Health|0 Comments

Healthcare for Runners

Written by Em Wooden One of the unique aspects of our clinic is the fact that many of our providers are athletes.  The providers’ athletic interests range from hiking to yoga, climbing to triathlons; this gives them a unique insight into the mindset and priorities of the athletes they treat.  While they offer an impressive [...]

From the Peruvian Andes to Your Medicine Cabinet

Looking for an excuse to indulge in a chocolate bar?  Maca Chocolate might be your new favorite snack! Written by: Em Wooden If you were to venture to Peru and hike the Andes, you would find yourself faced with breathtaking views and a harsh environment.  Machu Picchu attracts more than 800,000 international tourists each year, [...]

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