Return to Performance Series Rest is Not the Answer

Return to Performance Series Rest is Not the Answer As a PT at Evolution Healthcare and Fitness I would like to introduce you to my blog series: Return to Performance. I would like to share a few blog posts looking at what I consider are important yet often missed elements of Physical Therapy that hamper athlete’s [...]

Personal Experience is the Best Education

Personal Experience is the Best Education Blog about a pro triathlete, physical therapist/coach’s return to run after a hip injury.  Ouch, that didn’t feel awesome. Oof, that step wasn’t any better. Ummm, some help over here please? Let me introduce myself before we dive into the mistakes, hubris, and overarching issues that led to me [...]

By |2023-12-05T13:04:46-08:00December 5th, 2023|Athlete Advice, Physical therapy, Running, sports injury|0 Comments

Gourshetty Trip Report: NW Ridge of Argonaut Peak from Stuart Lakes Trailhead

Amanda and Shiv Gourshetty June 19-20 We started off from Stuart lake trailhead and made our way down the trail passing the Colchuck turn and continuing until Mountaineer’s creek. At first it seemed we found the trail but it quickly turned into a wetland and we escaped to the edge of the sloped forest. It’s [...]

My journey back to the top of Mt Shasta via Avalanche Gulch on 6/20/22 by James Jula

Evolution Altitude Room Blog Entry My journey back to the top of Mt Shasta via Avalanche Gulch on 6/20/22 by James Jula It was 18 years ago this summer that I first attempted Mt. Shasta at a time when I was getting serious about climbing more significant peaks. I took a basic snow climbing course that taught [...]

5 Reasons to do Metabolic Testing

5 Reasons to do Metabolic Testing By Matthew Marino, PT, MSPT, CPE, CSCS, TSAC-F If you are an athlete, coach, trainer, or somebody who’s interested in using data to manage health and fitness, you may have heard of metabolic testing. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) testing are becoming more [...]

Climbing Strength and Performance Assessment

Climbing Strength and Performance Assessment offered by Dr. Alicia MacDonald PT, DPT, MTC, CSCS   Have you ever wondered how strong you really are and where your areas of opportunity are, as a rock climber? Have you thought about doing hang board training, but you have no idea which protocol is best for you?  In [...]

High Altitude Rock Climbing: Benefits of training in a simulated environment

Mt. Hood, Portland Oregon Maximum Benefits out of Altitude Training In the last blog post, we talked about my introduction to training inside a room that simulates different altitudes by using machinery and filters to remove available oxygen from the room. Check out this link if you want to catch up on that [...]

High Altitude Rock Climbing: Training for a climbing trip in Peru

JUAN RODRIGUEZ JANUARY 11, 2019 Original story available, here. Planning trip to Peru A few months near the end of spring 2018, I was talking with my friend Matt from Stoneworks Climbing Gym about my upcoming trip to Peru. Inspired by Matt's slideshow about some high-altitude climbing he'd done with some friends the year before. [...]

The Art of Racing Underprepared

You Got Into Your Ultra Running Race, Now What? Getting into a popular ultra running race off the wait list is usually cause for excitement. But what if your training isn’t quite where you’d like it to be? Can you still have a good day? What are the chances you’ll actually ENJOY the race? I [...]

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