  • Anurag Nallavelli

The Athlete’s Gut

Why is Gut Health Important? Gut health is critical for an athlete. Did you know that blood is shunted away from your gut during times of intense physical exertion? As a result, digestive processes take a back seat to your cardiac and respiratory functions that keep you going. The GI tract is crucial for keeping you hydrated and delivering essential [...]

Altitude Training and 47 Weeks of Half Marathon Success

Prolific Half Marathon Running Opportunities Last year, when I relocated to Portland OR from NY, I decided to run a half marathon every weekend. The reason for that crazy goal was to see and explore my new state, to meet some running friends. I'm always looking to make some connections with the running community. I started my journey around Labor [...]

By |September 15th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Uncanny Transformation

Fit at Fifty Cool, you're here! My name is Chris and I'm here to tell you a little bit about my journey to a healthy lifestyle. Thank you Evolution Healthcare & Fitness for sharing my story and my blog. My road to a healthy lifestyle includes routines, roadblocks, anxieties, wins, and setbacks. It is all part of me becoming a [...]

Using Acupuncture to Promote Men’s Health and Wellness

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine have been used to treat men's health concerns for thousands of years and are growing in popularity. The reason for this growth in popularity is that many health issues that men face, such as high blood pressure, prostate problems and depression, respond extremely well to acupuncture. Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease is the leading men's health [...]

Strength Training the Right Way for Adventure

Note: This post on strength training was originally written for Outdoor Project. It has been modified slightly to meet Word Press standards. This piece was written by David Skolnik, PT, DPT, CSCS. Scroll to the bottom to learn more about David and follow along on his adventures! It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what [...]

By |July 25th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Designing the Perfect Post-Workout Recovery Smoothie

That post-workout high – whether it’s after a trail run, a strength training session, or a workout in Evolution’s Altitude Training Room – can only be made better with delicious and nourishing recovery food. You place importance on your warm up, your recovery, your hydration, etc., you need to place importance on the way you refuel your body too. Putting your body [...]

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